January Newsletter
“I will praise thee: For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
Monthly Theme
Happy New Year! This month our theme will be Arctic Animals, Winter and Martin Luther King Jr. We are starting our year off learning about foxes, wolves, whales, caribou, seal, husky, moose, mountain goats, polar bears, narwhals, just to name a few!
Our concepts for January are the letters M, N, O; the numbers are 11 & 12. Our shape is star and our color is blue.
Our Bible theme this month is: God made me unique as a snowflake.
After School News
12/23rd – 1/7th: Christmas Break
1/20th: MLK Jr. Day (LCD Schools Closed as well)
After School Parents, please notify the office on days your child will NOT be riding the bus.
Director’s Notes
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a blessed Christmas Season! Many children were served in Beaufort County, thanks to your generous donations to Bluffton Self-Help. Each of the teachers and staff would like to thank you again for your generous gifts and treats. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful parents to support us.
This year’s Lowcountry Day Block Party was a great success and we’d like to congratulate The Melton Family from 357 and The Kriner Family from 285 for winning the raffle for a fee week of childcare.
Parent Reminders
*Please make sure your child has extra changes of clothes in their cubbies (especially for cooler weather)! Also, please remember to LABEL everything including hats & gloves!
*Important reminder: Please keep your children at home if they are sick or exhibit symptoms of being sick. (Vomiting, fever, diarrhea, sore throat/cough, eye infection, rash).
*Be mindful during drop-off/pick-up. 3 minutes only under the porte chere. If you need to take a phone call, please park on the side of the building.
*Please make sure your child has extra changes of clothes in their cubbies.
*Drop-off cutoff is 9:30AM, unless prior arrangements have been made with the office. For security reasons, the doors lock at 9:30- we are sometimes in the classroom and not always available to buzz you in.
*Every parent should have a security key card on hand. Please remember the Directors are not always at the front office. If you are habitually having to be buzzed in, we will assume you have lost your card and will issue you a $10 replacement card.
*To see all messages, parents must clock in/out with our ProCare touch screens. If your fingerprint is not working, please see the office for assistance.
Serving Christ,
LCD Staff
***Please check out our Facebook page to keep up with LCD happenings!
Holiday Closings
September 2024 – August 2025
Academic Year
September 2nd ~ Labor Day
November 27th – 29th ~ Staff Training & Thanksgiving Holiday
December 23 – January 1st ~ Closed for Christmas and New Years
January 20th ~ Martin Luther King Day
April 18th ~ Good Friday/Easter Holiday
May 26th ~ Memorial Day
July 4th ~ Independence Day